Setting up Your Financial Plan in Right Capital
Step One - Family Profile
Once you establish the password you will use to access your plan, please click on the box in the Family Profile tab to add your date of birth, hit "Save", then click “Next” below to move to the next tab.
Step Two - Income
From the Income tab, add any sources of income you may have, hit "Save", then click “Next” below to move to the next tab.
Step Three - Savings
If you are contributing to a retirement plan or any IRA accounts, please add the amounts you are contributing in this tab, hit "Save", then click “Next” below to move to the next tab
Step Four - Linking Your Outside Investments
In the Net Worth tab, please link any outside accounts. For instructions on linking your accounts, click here. Then click “Next” below. Right Capital is a secure website that does not save your username(s) or password(s).
Click on "Link Accounts" once you arrive at the Net Worth tab.
Click on the name of the outside firm (if available)
Or, type in the name of the firm and select the website from the drop down menu
Type in the username and password you use to access the website above ( in this screenshot).
- If you cannot find your outside investment account or are having trouble linking your accounts - please email us a copy of that statement. We are also happy to work with you to link the accounts.
Repeat this process as many times as needed until your outside investment and bank accounts are linked.
Right Capital is a secure website that does not save your username(s) or password(s). Click here for information on how right capital secures your data.
Stop after you have linked your accounts. We will do the rest.